Monday 23 August 2010

Penguin Classics

.. Or not. I accidently found this while I was looking for penguin pictures (long story), it's a redesign of the first Harry Potter book cover to look like the classic penguin books. You can view all 7 designs here. I love the simplicity, and the black and red are a perfect combination.

Actually, while I'm on the thread of Penguin book covers, I love love love these beautiful water colour illustrations by Michael Gillette.

My favourites are 'For Your Eyes Only' and 'You Only Live Twice'- if only you could buy them as prints!

Friday 13 August 2010

You are where you work

We moved in to the house in November and this was the first room I wanted to get sorted. It's been in a workable state since about February, but wasn't completely finished until now. It's a lot smaller than the studio space I used to rent, which was in an old converted mill, but it's so nice not having to go out to be creative- you can't beat working in your pj's!

Alexander Girard screen print from MoMA in NYC

(l-r) Little Red Riding Hood screen printed card (Pinecone + Chickadee), Henri Matisse postcard,
letter press print (Raa Raa Press on Etsy)

My notice board- a lot tidier than in the previous work space.

Obsessive compulsive order.

This was a birthday present a few years ago and it's never had a real home. It's now hanging from the door handle so every day when I walk in I walk past it. Written on the wings is a quote from Coco Chanel which reads 'If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them growing'. A lovely thought.

I'd chosen a lampshade from M&S and stupidly didn't buy it straight away. Of course when I went to buy one there weren't any left. Determined not to go home empty handed, I then spent the rest of the afternoon looking for something similar before buying this one which was completely different.

Pretty things

I love Muji, and when I saw this clear acrylic box I knew it would be a perfect place to keep all of my thread- the compartments are just the right size and I can easily find whatever I need.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Letter press designs from Jessica Hische

I recently found these little beauties and fell in love with them. I think they have a lovely sort of romantic feel to them in an old fashioned fairy tale kind of way. If I could afford the $2,000 (or £1,254.31. Just thought I'd check.) for the set then I'd be trying to find a wall big enough for them all right now.

I could settle for buying one of my initials for just $40

But I secretly wish my initials were

as they aren't, I'd have to fake some kind of camper van obsession instead.

Based in New York, Jessica seems to have worked for so many big names that I feel that I should have heard about her sooner. Shame on me.

You can view the whole alphabet as well as her other work at her website here , everybody should see it, it's truly beautiful.